The Top Statistics on Remote Work

Remote work has been increasing in popularity for years. Now under a global pandemic, the shift to remote work has accelerated for many businesses.

But what are the statistics on remote work and the benefits of working from home?

By 2018, 40% more companies were offering remote work options for their employees than just 5 years before.

Currently, approximately 62% of employees work from home at least part of the time.

The move toward remote work has even affected how many employees buy homes. With no interest in a long commute to work, purchasers may turn down an otherwise ideal property that does not fit their location needs. Home offices have also become increasingly important for many home buyers.

Employers are beginning to recognize the importance of flexible opportunities for their employees. And now many are including work from home in that flexibility. With remote work on the rise, many employers may choose to never continue their previous in-office environment. The number of companies on this path will likely only increase as infrastructure grows to allow business continuity while remote.

The Benefits of Remote Work

Remote work offers many benefits, both to employers and to the employees who are able to work from home.

Let’s take a look at some main remote work benefits:

Remote workers are more productive.

On average, employees who work from home are more productive than employees in offices.

The average office worker gets only three productive hours of time in an average eight-hour shift. This equates to 25 hours of wasted time in an average workweek. Remote workers, in general, lose only about 12.2 hours of work time each week. While both numbers seem shocking, remote work displays a significant improvement in productivity!

The lost time in office settings includes meetings, conversations with coworkers, and other time-wasting opportunities. While there are distractions at home, remote employees tend to lose less time due to interruptions and breaks in concentration. 65% of employees feel that they are able to be more productive in a home office environment than in the office.

Remote workers are less stressed.

Remote employees are 80% less stressed than employees who work in a traditional office environment. Now that doesn’t mean that remote workers are entirely exempt from stress. Deadlines, difficult clients, and coworker drama do still exist. However, employees who work from home often have a better work/life balance, offsetting the stress.

Remote workers miss less work

Not only are remote workers exposed to far fewer germs without being in the office, but they may also be more likely to work even with mild to moderate illness. 50% of remote employees say that working from home reduces their sick days. Not only does this mean that employees can use their time off in ways that are more likely to benefit them, but it also means that employers will face fewer problems with employees who are forced to miss work.

Remote workers have an increased ability to save money (for both themselves and their employers).

Remote workers have the potential to save more money over the course of the year. They don’t have to spend money on their commute, may not have as much wear and tear on their vehicle, and may be able to reduce spending on work clothes and other essentials. Employers, too, can save money on remote employees. With a smaller in-office team, savings are available with office space and rent, equipment usage, and sick time.

Flexible Work Opportunities Matter

80% of employees note that if they were given a choice between two jobs, one that offered remote work/flexible hours and one that did not, they would turn down the employer that did not offer flexible hours.

For employers looking to attract and retain top talent, remote work is more important than ever. 3/4 of workers feel that flexible work opportunities are one of the most important benefits an employer can offer its employees. If companies want to retain top employees and increase engagement, all they need to do is listen. 90% of workers feel that offering remote work opportunities would help increase morale in the workplace.

The continuing importance of remote work has caused many employers to recognize the need to shift priorities and perspectives. Often, with a few simple changes, employers can make it easier for their employees to work from home. By 2028, it’s predicted that as many as 73% of work teams will have remote workers. And this prediction came before a global pandemic accelerated working remotely.

Employee Stick with Remote Work

Once employees make the transition to remote work, they tend to stick with it–and with good reason. 91% of employees who work remotely feel that remote work is a good fit for them. And 96% would recommend it to friends and family members. While remote work is not for everyone, it is a valuable opportunity for many employees.

Employees are also likely to stick with it once they make the transition to remote work. 70% of remote workers have been working remotely for at least 3 years. Many have no interest in making the transition back to a traditional office job.

75% of people who currently work remotely plan to retain their remote work efforts for the rest of their careers. These employees are more likely to settle into jobs that will allow them to continue working remotely than to return to a traditional office environment.

For both employees and employers, remote work has become increasingly relevant. The statistics on remote work make that clear.

By providing remote work opportunities, employers are better able to attract and retain the top talent in their fields. Employees find themselves in a better position to manage work/life balance. And high-quality work for employers is maintained, if not improved.

While not every job is suited for a remote work environment, employers must consider how they can provide remote opportunities for their employees, both today and in the future. And employees may consider, now more than ever, the importance of remote work opportunities and how it fits into their lives.

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Meet the Author  Chelsea Damon

Chelsea Damon is the Content Strategist at AchieveIt. When she's not publishing content about strategy execution, you'll likely find her outside or baking bread.

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